
  3 Ways to deal with food in isolation that will  make you feel better.  Did the pandemic change your relationship with food?  As a cook, I have a very narrow relationship with what I eat, however I feel that since the coronavirus outbreak and in periods of isolation, this relationship has become more difficult. In this article on self.com, https://www.self.com/story/food-issues-during-quarantine. Carolyn L. Todd tells us about her own experience and why this is not unusual in this context. She approaches the subject taking different aspects, taking into account the problems of stress and anxiety, changes in routine and eating habits. and how we face all that food that we usually allow ourselves on special occasions to give ourselves a treat. In addition to this analysis, she also advises us and offers us tips and tools to deal with these problems, to take better care of ourselves both physically and mentally; and invites us to know and improve our relationship with food. To delve a l